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Author Topic: Sweeping The Porch: Local Issues
Posts: 29
Post Sweeping The Porch: Local Issues
on: February 20, 2012, 14:26

So, this is a link to a group that is attempting to rouse the sleeping public and stir the awareness of what kind of damages that the coal terminal would cause to this area. Things to consider.

Posts: 29
Post Re: Sweeping The Porch: Local Issues
on: March 1, 2012, 23:03

Learned that MSS Marine somehow garnered consent to break ground on the coal terminal and built a road over a traditional Lummi 1,000+ year old gill net reef fishing village site. There are some Lummi who're plenty pissed off. I intend to show them that I stand in Solidarity with this desecration of what is a sacred space for them. Place yourself in their shoes for a moment; if someone drove a bulldozer into your sacred space, a church, as an example, and ripped apart pew after pew, then paved over the floor of such a space and burned the rest of it down, this is essentially what has occurred to many of the people of the Lummi Nation. Walter might see this as a "cultural identity issue", If church isn't your thing, imagine someone tearing down a library to build a Starbuck's or a Gap. Same difference.
Bring a tent and a fight.

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