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Author Topic: Defending Safer Spaces Boundaries Draft Proposal
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Posts: 5
Post Defending Safer Spaces Boundaries Draft Proposal
on: February 29, 2012, 22:20

"The Safer Spaces Agreement is a social contract that #OB entered into by consensus, and #OB will enforce the agreement by consensus.

The Safer Spaces Agreement is assumed to be upheld until someone voices a concern otherwise.

Anyone, including a facilitator, who is concerned that the Safer Spaces Agreement (SSA) is not being upheld may make a point of process and voice that concern to the Facilitation Team.

A voiced concern has the effect of a block of the entire meeting, and must be resolved in the same manner as a block for the meeting to continue. (Either by finding direct consensus or by overturning the block). In the event that a concern about the SSA is voiced, the GA must resolve that concern immediately, even if it means interrupting a proposal in progress. If the GA is unable, for any reason, to resolve the concern then the GA must adjourn the meeting. In the event that the GA choses not to resolve a concern and continue with the GA, the decisions made by that entire GA shall be null and void.

It is appropriate for the Faciltation Team to take the two following actions on their own initiative to determine if quick consensus can be reached.

The Process Mover may ask the GA if it disagrees with the voiced concern immediately after that concern has been spoken. If there are enough votes to overturn the voiced concern without discussion, then the concern is resolved and the meeting may continue.

The Process Mover may ask the GA if it is willing to take a short break (of perhaps five minutes) to allow for the concern to be resolved informally. If an informal resolution is achieved during the break, then the meeting may continue.

In the event that quick consensus can't be achieved, the Process Mover must request that a stack be started and have the members of the GA speak to how the concern might be resolved with a formal proposal. A concern about the Safer Spaces Agreement constitutes an emergency, and can be voted upon immediately."

This is a radical redraft from the Safer Spaces Accountability Circle language. But it is a start.

Posts: 17
Post Re: Defending Safer Spaces Boundaries Draft Proposal
on: March 1, 2012, 07:35

Hmmmm. I'm not sure about this. I liked the previous language that explained how a mediation session would occur. Being in a room full of people who want to be making decisions, not being therapists, isn't the best place to resolve a disagreement. And someone who feels the SSA was violated may not be comfortable with the GA voting on such a matter. Sometimes it can be difficult or triggering to explain why you feel hurt. It is a conversation better undertaken in a smaller group, I think. Plus, the violation might not have occurred during a GA.

I agree with making a point of process, but after that point I think the next step would be to ask the participants to take 5 minutes to schedule a mediation session, and then return to the meeting, unless the disruption is so severe that we need to do some emergency de-escalation, which would happen if the situation calls for it.

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