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Author Topic: Whos G.A. Anyway?
New User
Posts: 6
Post Whos G.A. Anyway?
on: June 15, 2012, 01:50

Dear Friends,
Now on this last Tuesday we have had another G.A. sabotaged by someone with their own agenda and I am still feeling frustrated and angry.
I am Not angry with the one person or small group that came to our meeting intent on causing havoc.
I am angry with you.
I am angry with our facilitators.
And I am angry with myself.
Are we not the people who have created these Assembles?
Are we not the ones who have set our agenda?
And are we not the ones who have invited any people of good faith that care about our issues to come and work with us?
Why, Oh Why then will we tolerate anyone at our meetings that are there to create Chaos?
If someone is going to squander my valuable time and energy then I consider them thieves and vandals.
I believe that it is not just my right but my responsibility and my Duty to show them the door.
So, my Brothers and Sisters of Occupy Bellingham I ask you. What are you prepared to do to insure ownership of our General Assembles?
Terry Dooley

Posts: 29
Post Re: Whos G.A. Anyway?
on: June 15, 2012, 03:12

I believe I understand and can relate to your concern. I was quick to point out when personal agenda's were brought up at Tuesday's post-GA informal discussion that I do participate with an agenda in mind. Perhaps now is as good a time as any to share that one of my guiding principles as a human being is "Do no harm." It's challenging to participate with those who're constantly on the lookout for monsters.

"Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."
Friedrich Nietzsche
German philosopher (1844 - 1900)

Posts: 51
Post Re: Whos G.A. Anyway?
on: June 18, 2012, 02:40

Terry - I don't hear "looking for monsters" in your forum. Ten we are not looking for monsters nor do we wish to turn the bad behavior into monsterdom. IT's not about BAD PEOPLE but BAD BEHAVIOR and that is a big difference. If I see a bear in the woods I'm going to go the other way. This action will cauase the least harm - to me or the bear. We'll not do battle with the bad behavior - just ask them to take it elsewhere and show them the door.
I'm so glad to hear your guiding principle of "do no harm". I subscibe to that as a nurse and fellow human.

Terry, IF I'm present I'll help you show them the door.

ten, it's OK to have an agenda - that's what we're there for - to get all ideas out. YOu probably have some good ideas rolling around in that big brain of yours like we all do. Time to put them to work.

Posts: 29
Post Re: Whos G.A. Anyway?
on: June 18, 2012, 04:23

Ronna, that's kind of the point of the Nietzsche quote. by way of showing them the door, you're recognizing the monstrosity of their character (see: behavior) and in a sense diverting your path from that of the "bear", as it were. The method I was suggesting is that in order to disengage "bad behavior" we must learn not to engage it. I've done so purely as a means of protecting my own sanity from certain individuals. The American Psychological Association defines mental illness as "A condition of behavior, which creates dysfunction". Let's just acknowledge when something is dysfunctional, then deal with it like adults.

Posts: 51
Post Re: Whos G.A. Anyway?
on: June 21, 2012, 17:46

I get your last comment. When not engaging doesn't change anything (they still interrupt, argue and disrupt) how do we maintain the unity of the group and keep those who are feeling unsafe in the group. And not to mention keep the group moving forward. Let NOT ENGAGING be the very first action we implement when these sorts of disruptions occur. IF that doesn't work we'll have to come up with something more.

I hope you understand that we are not saying these folks are monsters. They are disruptive and not helpful to the group, but under it all they are still people.

Posts: 29
Post Re: Whos G.A. Anyway?
on: June 26, 2012, 09:34

It's a metaphor, Ronna. People can be just as monstrous as any bogey man.

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Posts: 2
Post Re: Whos G.A. Anyway?
on: July 1, 2012, 04:29

It is incumbent upon facilitators to contour negative speakers by interupting the diatribe
with a statement directly from the Safer Spaces Agreement and permit the speaker to continue only if the speaker agrees to comply with the statement. If there is no cooperation, the facilitator should disallow the speaker by calling on the next person on stack, also indicating that a lack of cooperation gives the facilitator the duty to not place the person on stack for the duration of the meeting. Facilitators shoould also warn those who speak off stack or make heckling comments that they risk not being allowed on stack. It also becomes necessary for facilitators to immediately recognize a signal of the Point of Process and insist upon a clear statement from the signaler. If meeting attenders work within the process of these protocols, an overly negative, aggressive or chaos/anger behavior can be silenced without the necessity to insist upon ejecting the offender(s). They are merely silenced. Should behavior escalate, the entire group could merely stand and turn to the offender and insist that the offender desist or leave. Under certain circumstances, a police officer should be requested in order for the offender to be removed. There seems no need for further confrontation if the facilitator will call upon the next person on stack and re-start a timer. I don't recommend touching an offender or walking over and getting in their face. Personally, I think the mistakes lie with weak facilitation.

New User
Posts: 2
Post Re: Whos G.A. Anyway?
on: July 1, 2012, 04:33

Hi Terry!
I am writing this after our last GA on June 29. It is good to have a core group of caring committed people showing up who have the good of the group, the collective in mind! And to be educating ourselves about issues and group processes and movement/OWS philosophies and actions feels like OB is deepening and in a new state of becoming. It's a meeting I look forward to and want to go to and feel good enough about to invite new people to come. The way we open our GA's by checking in with each other and really sharing ourselves and what we have been learning during the week, what our concerns are and any actions we have been a part of, reports from working group(s), etc.

I like what Otter said about how important it is for Occupy for us to really know each other, to know about each other without any subterfuge, sharing ourselves with each other fully. That is the way to deepen relationships which is so necessary for a movement to be successful. As Mark and I were talking today, having good relationships with each other creates trust and this trust allows us to be honest with each other without getting our feelings hurt and or our egos crushed. This is so necessary for a movement to be powerful and be able to go out into the world to do good work that has good results. There has to be enough safety and trust for us to be honest with each other and redirect each other, etc.

I will only post this once to show solidarity with you, Terry. And I do it with trepidation remembering last winter when a situation along these same lines occurred and I must have been terribly misunderstood because of the vitriol and hatred directed at me in the forum. It does seem like you have not been fully supported in your post. The important part, I think, is to stop 'pussy footing around'. Behavior that keeps OB from being able to work on and take action on the issues because we are always dealing with this negative behavior/situation, is a violation and needs to be stopped. The question always needs to be "what is good for the group, the collective?" To have a group of people sabotaging this, who seem to hate OB and its members and to be out to destroy it, (as soon as the website was destroyed deliberately by David he should have been immediately dismissed), need to leave OB and find another more suitable group. This has nothing to do with a denigration of them, but everything to do with the choices they are making in disrupting and destroying group cohesiveness and integrity. In effect, they are choosing to be exited from the group by their own actions.

Many highly regarded groups including Occupy are grappling with this issue of 'difficult people'. There is a lot of research being published on this topic. The article that has been circulating "Dealing With Difficult People" as well as information for trainers in the 99% Spring Training of which Occupy was a co-sponsor all talk about the need and justification for disruptive people to not be tolerated.Anyone whose aim is to destroy Occupy, whether consciously or not, is an agent provocateur, whether they are on the payroll of some agency or not. The damage they do includes not being able to get to the real issues, cause the loss of valued members and prevents new ones from even joining and growing the movement.

In the 99% Spring Training, trainers were advised to deal with disruptive people immediately, to remind the disruptors of the particular group's goals/ expectations and to find out if they could meet them and if not, to let them know that 'this may not be the group for you' and "invite" them to leave. In our situation here at OB, if they do not exit then, we could do an intervention that would escort them out. If these procedures are not working well, the group could just relocate leaving the disruptor(s) behind, so to speak. We can go into more detail in a working group, do some role plays, contract Diane &/or Ellen Murphy to train us in intervention technique.

To draw these lines is not an easy task but for the good of the group and for OB, they are long past overdue. We can continue to work on the details but to give more time and energy to this issue is keeping us from the real issues like money out of politics, move to amend, and the casino economy/shadow government as revealed by Matt Taibbi.

I am prepared Terry to support you all the way because in supporting you on this, I am supporting myself and the group, OB, that I have an investment in to serve and protect. Several of us or all of us get some training in direct, nonviolent intervention technique. I will tell the person(s) banned from OB that they cannot stay, they cannot be an observer (this is not a spectator activity) they are invited to find another group. If they don't leave I will invite the other OB'ers to leave so we can meet somewhere else.

Thank you Terry for standing up and speaking your truth that is also my truth and I believe is the truth for the health and healing of groups that are truly alive, robust and striving to grow creative individuality vs needy individualism.

I do not intend to post further on this topic and only hope that I have offered you, Terry, the best support I can to add to your sense of well being in OB and to all our wellbeing. If people disruptive and destructive to OB are asked to leave, it may be their greatest opportunity to truly find a group that meets their needs better than OB.
Marcia Leister

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Posts: 2
Post Re: Whos G.A. Anyway?
on: July 1, 2012, 19:05

When I saw people depart the WECU meeting after Krackpot Karen's diatribe,
I felt disappointed with the lack of resolve on the part of the facilitator to interupt and re-direct.
When I sensed the frustration with Darth David's usurping our internet and continuing to attend to disrupt our GAs, I felt the powerlessness of not being able to stem the childish and dysfunctional behavior.
When I experienced both the "wishy-washy" we-need-to-accept-all-points-of-view mentality - as well as the angriness of those who re-act to the behavior - I felt that the group conscience was allowing this behavior to continue unabated.
I also feel frustrated when people interupt speakers and go on and on, not atune to the need to actively listen and consider what someone else is saying.
And I feel uncomfortable when the same persons keep jumping in on stack when there are many others who have not been listened to.
My many years of experience in 12-step groups has taught me to listen and try to understand - without jumping to conclusions or judgments - in my effort to process the thoughts and actions of others dispassionately. It's called open-mindedness but it works best when individuals know and respect eachother, agreeing to disagree when necessary.
Part of the dynamics is the ardour, vitriol, and "us vs. them" mentality brought to the meeting about political matters when, in my view, this is a grass-roots moral high-ground movement, not a political party.
Part of the dynamics is the strength and weaknesses of a consensus framework which requires modulation of decision-making while the tenets of proposals are offered or withdrawn.
Perhaps we are moving in a good direction with the "check-in", talking circle pre-meeting - IF and only if - strong personalities will respect and listen quietly, not interupt or criticize people who are trying to develop an affinity for the movement.

New User
Posts: 2
Post Re: Whos G.A. Anyway?
on: July 1, 2012, 21:25

Otter, what beautiful writing! I said I wasn't going to post beyond the one lengthy one above but am inspired by both of your posts.
After talking to Terry and realizing my own tendency as a teacher to take charge, I need to be reminded and redirected by people I trust who as of now, are the people who are coming to the Friday GA's and the Education working group. I give total permission to the people I am working with to correct me and keep me moving in the right direction. That is what a healthy group can do without folks getting their feelings hurt and all the behaviors that follow from that.
Terry had a good idea for us to take turns facilitating so no one of us falls back into the system we are trying to change and become the dominant controller, like it seems I could fall back into that myself. I call on my fellow occupiers who I have been working with over the past several months to guide me and help me to be the best I can for this movement.
With the Friday GA's being small, it is a safe place for everyone of us to practice facilitation and picking a support team to help facilitate.
Thanks group for giving me hope and solidarity with this movement!
with love, marcia

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