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Author Topic: MINUTES EDUCATION WG 2/10/12
Posts: 51
on: February 14, 2012, 09:40


Check in: Marcia L., Penny C., Barb S., Mark W., Ronna L. Carol F., Jeannie B, Alyce W., James B., Futureman, Ene L.
Penny agreed to be time keeper, Marcia will be the task keeper, Ronna will take notes and record this mtg
Introduction included a playing of the Pete Seeger song “Banks of Marble”. We use the “Circle of Voices” process learned last week.

Our work today focused on Chapter 2 “Understanding Adult Learning”

There was a handout of questions pertaining to the chapter and we got started with a lively discussion about what the meaning of this chapter was for each of us. Some comments were:
1. How do we unroot the current paradigm?
2. The term socialism has been so maligned and now seen as a “form of state tyranny - - - with determination to rid the world of individual liberty and creativity” (page 29)
3. How can we reclaim the word socialism? Do we need to? Is this an uphill battle we need to fight? The history of Socialism, popular in the first half of the 20th century has turned ugly. Can we find a new word? Use the word Democracy.
4. Adult learning is empowering people to follow their own learning path(s), doing it their own way while providing the forum(s) for this to happen. If we (Occupy, Education WG) select curriculum that we think is appropriate it is basically following the “old paradigm”
5. Adult Education is life-long learning. What to learn, how to learn, motivation to learn.
6. There needs to be a connection to the personal life experience of the individual and the group (community) so there is a social/personal connection.
7. There has been an emphasis on the individual and we need to help change that paradigm into learning together for the common good. People have not been encouraged to participate in adult learning. Each of needs to reclaim our responsibility for learning by participating, becoming involved. Look at small accomplishments. Find the language to meet this new paradigm.
8. A problem with #Ob is that there is not education and we are not using forums. There is a misunderstanding of how direct democracy works. There could be small groups with similar interests which will keep the passion alive.
9. We can learn from other movements and how people learned within those movements.
10. I was struck by how people finally “hit the wall” and how to look at other ways of approaching adult education.
11. People need education in order to learn how to get food, shelter, etc.
12. “Civil society has been privatized”.
13. We need to “crack the code” By this is meant using strong authentic language to convey meaning and make it real.
14. James B. Shared his educational project with the group. This happened towards the end of meeting and he is asked to bring more information to the next meeting. For a closer look at his project go to: . He suggests there are three areas where #OB should focus: Education, Health Care, Jobs.
15. Use the John Prine military metaphor that we are “soldiers of change” and require a military style organization

THE WORK AHEAD: Throughout our discussion members interjected ideas for how to take action. Comments about this included:
1. Finding a way to disseminate our work to other GAs?
2. Writing letters is a powerful tool for citizens – speaking up: If you have something to say – say it.
3. How can we change ourselves to benefit the whole, what’s not working, what are our resources to learn. “We are products of our culture and we are all fish swimming in the water we cannot see.” (page 33).
4. Practice direct democracy
5. May 1 – should be a general boycott as opposed to a General Strike.
6. In order to increase the pace of creating our foundation through the reading of this book we will tackle 2 chapters for the next meeting.
7. Futureman will inquire to his group The Bellingham Alternative Library about using that space for teaching and Occupy GA. This venue is at 717 N. Forest. Also at There is room for meetings, a library, Cooperative meeting are held on Wednesday at 7 pm. Skill shares happen on Fridays at 3pm. Open to the public from 2-7. Email @ This education WG agreed to align with this group to further our purpose for #OB.
8. Look to other revolutions – using the 100th monkey theory – getting people to care.

The System of Work
Alternative Economies
Single Payer Health Care

CD: Seattle 1919 (music for a theater production based on the Seattle General Strike of 1919
Book – Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein
Book: The Populist Moment”
Movie: Inside Job showing at Debbie’s this WE and at WWU-VU soon.
Movie: Gaslands
Movie: Fixing the Future

Include meeting time to talk about what each of us is DOING
Spend 1 hour on book
Spend 1 hour focused on ACTION

Evaluation of this meeting includes:
• Hope – the world is ripe for change
• The one minute rule forces us to listen, include what others say, be succinct when speaking. While we rambled a bit today we basically kept to the one minute rule
• All expressed and eagerness to GET SOMETHING DONE
NEXT MEETING – FRIDAY 17 February at 1:00 at Marcia’s

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